Wednesday, February 28, 2007

English Dictionary Software

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  • Over 6500 encyclopedic entries for people, places, organization, etc.
  • The whole text of the Longman Language Activator – helps you to choose the right word or phrase to express your ideas in writing
  • Over a million sentences from books, magazines, newspapers, etc. – gives you more sentences showing how almost all the words and phrases are used
  • Every word pronounced in British and American English
  • Interactive exercises, including practice for exams like CAE, CPE, FCE and IELTS, dictation exercises, etc.
  • Pop-up dictionary – just point your mouse at a word on a web page or in a Word document to see an instant definition – without worrying about spelling or alphabetical order to find the word!

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary
  • American English
  • Light version of dictionary
  • No pronunciation

Cambridge Advanced Learners’ Dictionary
  • Pronunciation included
  • Thesaurus

Highly Recommended English Dictionary Software
I have tried all three dictionary software above. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English is the most feature-rich dictionary software that I highly recommend. Longman Language Activator is very useful and acts like a thesaurus. The user interface is clean and user-friendly. The software is free with the physical copy of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

MUET Band Description

Band 6 – Very good user (Aggregated Score: 260 – 300)
Very good command of the language. Highly expressive, fluent, accurate and appropriate language: hardly any inaccuracies. Very good understanding of language and contexts. Functions extremely well in the language.

Band 5 – Good user (Aggregated Score: 220 – 259)
Good command of the language. Expressive, fluent, accurate and appropriate language but with minor inaccuracies. Good understanding of language and contexts. Functions well in the language.

Band 4 – Competent user (Aggregated Score: 180 – 219)
Satisfactory command of the language. Satisfactory expressive and fluent, appropriate language but with occasional inaccuracies. Satisfactory understanding of language and contexts. Functions satisfactorily in the language.

Band 3 – Modest user (Aggregated Score: 140 – 179)
Modest command of the language. Modestly expressive and fluent, appropriate language but with noticeable inaccuracies. Modest understanding of language and contexts. Able to function modestly in the language.

Band 2 – Limited user (Aggregated Score: 100 – 139)
Limited command of the language. Lacks expressiveness, fluency and appropriacy: inaccurate use of the language resulting in breakdown in communication. Limited understanding of language and contexts. Limited ability to function in the language.

Band 1 – Extremely limited user (Below 100)
Poor command of the language. Unable to use language to express ideas: inaccurate use of the language resulting in frequent breakdowns in communication. Little or poor understanding of language and contexts. Hardly able to function in the language.