Sunday, July 15, 2007

The i-before-e-except-after-c Spelling Rule

If you want to give your readers a good impression in your English writing, you should avoid misspelling. Misspelling makes the writer looked stupid and unprofessional. It is important to spell English words correctly.

One of the most important spelling rules to help you to learn the correct way to spell English word is: [i] before [e] except after [c].

[i] Before [e] Spelling Rule
  • Believe beleive
  • Hierarchy heirarchy
  • Mischievous mischeivous
  • Achieve acheive

[i] before [e] except after [c] Spelling Rule
  • Receive recieve
  • Perceive percieve
  • Conceive concieve
  • Deceive decieve

You should remember that [i] usually comes before [e] except after [c] or when it is pronounced like "a" as "neighbour" nieghbour and "weigh" wiegh or "e" as in "their" thier and "heir" hier . Other exceptions include “leisure” liesure , “weird” wierd and “foreign” foriegn .

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