Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thoughts On Sharing

This good English essay on sharing was written by Yong. Do you know that you can submit your own essay and get it published on this blog too? Read this post to learn how to get your essay featured on Good English Essays, a blog with more than 200 readers daily.

Some of us may be selfish to share our study tips yet deliberately disturbing the others while they are doing their works. Some might agree with such an attitude as a secret weapon for crucial examination namely UPSR, PMR and SPM. But don't you agree that sharing is actually the happiest thing we can do? We can share meaning that we have the capability. Sharing brings more knowledge and ideas to be exchanged. Nobody will improve much if they are reluctant to share. In fact, when we initiate to share, we will definitely get more and more feedback which may be beyond our knowledge. 3 people are better than only 1. More minds contribute more thoughts. That's why group discussion is highly recommended for it is an proven effective way to catalyst our improvement of study.

Study is only a part of our life routine and being student is merely our temporary role . Actually that time is our precious moment to develop into a better person. One cannot know and experience everything with limited ages . However, we can gain unlimited knowledge and lesson once we start to share and exchange. By sharing, we know more, we continue our learning and without we can realise , we have fostered good friendship and become a better individual. Let's have a very simple example,every of us owns one box of biscuits. Every box of biscuits have different flavour. If we are kind enough to reciprocate our biscuits with each other, then we get to taste a variety flavour of biscuits. Similarily, sharing and exchanging is something mutually profitable for every of us. Through sharing,we apply our knowledge and subsequently we gain more. Do share your knowledge with others as if you intend they share theirs with you. Only those who are generous to share and humble to keep on learning deserve to possess more power, wealth and knowledge.

Being students,we are still learning and painting our lives with endless colour and school should be the safest platform for us to practice our behaviour. Here,sharing makes more sense to complement each other. Nothing can be accomplished without a cohesive teamwork. One cannot be successful without any assistance provided by the others. Frankly,have you shared your fortune,wealth and knowledge with your friends? If not, try your best whenever you are still able to do so. When we are stepping into the working world, seldom do we have such an opportunity to share and enjoy anxiety-free student lives. A real success is more than just a straight A result or thousands and one certificates but whether one really enjoys the process towards success. And sharing will be a must for the particular joyful process.

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1 comment:

  1. A nice blog post that tells the significance of writing in our daily lives.
